Monday, September 17, 2007

Technology Interviews

I interviewed a diverse group of 5th graders. I have never encountered students who did not love technology and this certainly came out in their answers and discussions. However, their answers reinforced what I have believed for a long time that the way we educate our students is far removed from their reality. They are growing up in a digital world that most adults do not understand. I have noticed that even our young, first year teachers, use technology on a personal level but don't really know how to use it to support the curriculum and think of technology as only computers. So, where do we go from here? The students know and, we need to listen.
1. What does technology mean to you?
All of the students mentioned that technology means computers and other "electrical things." One student said that "technology means being creative."
2. What role does technology play in your life?
Answers ranged from, "helping me with my homework," 'helping me learn," to "it entertains me." Many of the children mentioned that the role of technology (computers) was to help them type because their handwriting was so bad!
3. Tell me about the technology you have at home.
All of the children talked about having computers, TVs, VCRs, DVD/DVR players. Many of them spoke about having iPods, Game Boys, cell phones, and a few mentioned that they had email accounts.
4. What do you do at home related to technology?
Students spoke about listening to music on their iPods, playing video games, watching TV and DVDs, "playing" on the Internet, help them do their homework and talking "a lot" on their cell phones. One student commented that he used the computer to research before he buys anything.
5. How do your parents use technology?
Most students told me that their parents used technology to pay bills, email each other, talk on the phone and to "do their work."
6. Tell me about the technology you use at school.
These answers were so interesting! Our third grade just got new flat screen iMacs and this was the focus of the 5th graders. They were clearly more than a little envious. Many students mentioned that all the computers in the school had Internet access and that every grade level had the same number of computers in each room and that the 4th and 5th grade also had mini labs of Thin Clients.
7. How do you use technology to help you learn at home?
Most students talked about using the computer to help them complete homework. Many of them stated that they watched educational TV. One student commented that "technology helps me figure out things to help me learn."
8. How do you use technology to help you play/have fun?
Most students talked about video games, going to Websites such as,, and Students talked about listening to music on their iPods or mp3 players and watching music videos on youtube - yes, youtube.
9. How have you learned to use technology?
Many students stated that their parents, teachers, and their peers taught them how to use technology. One student said that he learned technology by "playing aound with it." Another student told me that he learned from his father who used to work for Oracle.
10. What do you wish you had at home related to technology?
Some of the students wished they had an iPhone! One student wished she had speakers for her iPod because, "I can let my friends listen and not just me." One student wanted his own "Motorola Razr so that I could call my mom when I am at baseball practice."
11. What do you wish you had at school related to technology?
Students wanted more of the new iMacs because as one student said, "they have better graphics." One student had an interesting and telling observation, he said, " I don't think you need anything else because you (teachers) would not use anything I would list."
12. If you were in charge of teaching technology, what would you teach?
Many students said that they would teach computer games. A few students said that they would teach all about Powerpoint.
13. What is your favorite thing to do online?
Well, on-line games seemed to be the focus. Game sites such as,,,,,
14. What would you like to learn about using technology?
Some students wanted to learn more about researching online. Some wanted tips and shortcuts. One student wanted to know about setting up virtual games, another wanted to know "everything," and another student wanted to know more about iTunes.


Nan Lujan said...

These comments were very similar to the ones I received from my students. I have got to find out more about these webkins! They are all the rage...

cbolick said...

I love the tech-envy that the students have across the grade levels. Kids don't miss a thing, do they??

How interesting that the kids' perception is that even if you had new technology the teachers wouldn't use it. ARGH!

I'm curious how you, as a school tech coordinator, respond to the students and then to your colleagues?

One notion is to support your product champions -- that is don't waste your time with those who aren't interested in technology...invest with the front runners. Let their cool work encourage others to get on board.

Another notion is to require everyone to do something that exposes them to new tech.

What are your thoughts?

Ingrid Meyrial said...
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Ingrid Meyrial said...

Reading your interview made me realize that kids are up for anything-when it comes to technology. With the right instruction, we can challenge them to be active participants in constructing technology projects and using tools kids have (like ipods and cell phones) for educational purposes. Teachers just need to step up to the plate!

Kristin said...

"I have noticed that even our young, first year teachers, use technology on a personal level but don't really know how to use it to support the curriculum and think of technology as only computers. "

This comment really struck me. We don't really know how to use technology to support the curriculum. That's one reason I'm so excited about this class. It is so easy to think of technology in terms of word processing and power points with students but that is so basic these days. Just looking at our class' blogs I see so many different uses of technology that I think would be extremely powerful with our students.

I'm ready to use video cameras, webcams, MP3 recorders and players to help my students learn. The problems I keep coming across are not having the resources such as the video camera and MP3 recorder. Also, being bound so tightly by the curriculum and the testing, I sometimes get overwhelmed with how to integrate it all. I know it can be done, but it is so easy to put the technology on the back burner because we think it is taking away from students becoming prepared for the tests.

But I'm ready. Let's prepare these kids for the real world, not just a paper and pencil test. That test isn't going to get them far in today's society if they are lacking in these pertinent technical skills.

teachersteph said...

Aren't kids amazing? They really know teachers. The student who said that teachers wouldn't use the tech tools spoke volumes with the comment.
Your blog looks good and the interview is very interesting.

Keith McCullough said...

Your comments reflect what John Dewey was saying and that is a child's reality should be connected to learning. Instruction has become so restricted, teaching to take tests, that students don't engage learning, because today's method of instruction doesn't pique their interest. A definite change is needed.

TFKT said...

+1 on your comment "the way we educate our kids is far removed from their reality."

Without a doubt we are missing the baot in education. Lisa Oglesby always make it a point to mention the fact that we go out of our way to stop the kids from bringing their technology to school (like ipods). Where we should be encouraging them to bring it and then using it as an educational tool.